The pole dancing twins, created by UK artist Giles Walker, are believed to be the only robot strippers in the world.

Complete with moulded breasts and bums, towering heels and a lacy garter, they stunned onlookers at the tech expo CES 2018 in January.

Jaw dropping pictures showed the robotic creations gyrating on the stage at the Sapphire Gentleman’s Club next to the exhibition.

Punters could even put cash in the robots’ tip jar and some left notes in their garters


LAS VEGAS: Robot strippers #R2DoubleD and #TripleCPU made their debut at Sapphire


FUTURE: Punters flocked to see the grooving robots – complete with moulded bums and breasts

Sapphire owner Peter Feinstein told local media: “These robots are interesting because of the technology, and they’re a lot of fun.

“They really are art pieces, originally.”

The sexy cyborg dancers, dubbed the Robbo Twins, have now been booked to perform tonight at the Sapphire 39 Strip Club in Manhattan.

Fans will another glimpse of the kinky cyborgs in an event described as their “only New York appearance before they go across the pond to London”.


SAPPHIRE CLUB: Robots grinded and grooved along with their human counterparts on stage

Mr Walker first unveiled the dynamic duo in 2008, and they have CCTV cameras for a head.

In December, Mr Walker said the robots were initially created as an art installation but then as a statement on surveillance in modern society.

He explained: “At the time (when I made them), they were putting CCTV cameras up all around London, and Britain was becoming the most surveilled society in the world.

“So I was playing with this idea of voyeurism, and who has the power in that relationship; whether it’s the voyeur or the person being watched.”

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