Skims debuted its first national TV commercial during the 2024 Oscars and the Skims Lab spot created with Wieden+Kennedy introduces Kim Kardashian as a chief engineer and scientist who works with “Klones” to ensure her products live up to the claims they make. The ad immerses viewers in the Skims universe, emphasizing features like wearability, durability and overall smoothness. “We really wanted to bring viewers into the SKIMS universe and create a film about our brand story and obsession with product development in a witty, yet extravagant way,” said Kim Kardashian in a press release.

Like the aesthetic of the shapewear brand’s pop-up stores, the feel of the ad is sleek and futuristic, and it visually conveys the out-of-this-world wear-testing that goes into perfecting each next-generation design.


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